Saturday, March 24, 2012

COG-622: IBM Cognos 10 BI Administrator

This is a pretty simple test, perhaps due to the simplicity of Cognos 10 BI administration? Not really, I think the exam is out-of-sync to the actual administration needs of Cognos 10. Too many theoretical questions and the test misses the more essential adminitrative aspects and not reflective of a milestone that only a seasoned administrator will achieve. OR, most likely, I'm just too over qualified for it ;-)

My study materials are:

Cognos 10 Hand Book
Cognos 10 Architecture and Deployment Guide
Cognos 10 Installation and Configuration Guide
Cognos 10 Administration and Security Guide
Few VMs to play with

I have also developed a 3 days Cognos 10 Administration Boot Camp training course with tons of learning slides and hands-on labs.

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After I passed my TOGAF foundation two months back and with additional two months of preparation and extensive study of TOGAF 9.0 specification, I finally settled my TOGAF Certified certification.

The exam was a tough one, depending on how you perceive it. It is questionably easy to pass without a thorough understanding of the topics as many exam takers commented that you just need to pick the longest answer or the most TOGAFish answer. However when you really spend time to delve into each of the scenarios' questions and relate it to available answers, it demands serious understanding and application of the knowledge in TOGAF in order to figure out the best possible answer. The open book nature of the examination allows candidate to cross examine their answer, however only useful if only the candidate knows where to find related information in the book efficiently since TOGAF covers lots of topical grounds in the book.

My score was 85% which means for 2 out of the 8 questions, I had chosen the suboptimal answer. Too bad I don't know which one I screwed up. Too bad.

This is just the start of a wonderful journey with TOGAF certified title. Well done!

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TOGAF Foundation

A long awaited first architect level certification of mine, though foundational level, serves as a catalyst to boost value for my employer and clients. It is not a tough paper to pass, comparing to its Part 2 brother. I listed the materials that I used for examination preparation below:

  • TOGAF Version 9.0 documentation (Optional but recommended, especially if you are like me going for Part 2 soon)

  • TOGAF 9.0 Foundation Study Guide (Sufficient to pass part 1 but hardly flying color)

  • Misc. TOGAF 9.0 Summary documents (For understanding only)

  • Few years of architecting experiences (Optional but useful for really understand TOGAF values)

My score was 93% which is aligned with my usual passing standard. I think preparation works for Part 2 would be more interesting because it requires drilling deep into in-and-out of TOGAF 9 specification. Sounds fun!

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